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Brow frequently asked ?'s


Below, please find a list of frequently asked questions when considering having your brows done:



What is the difference between Microblading, Shading/Powder Fill and Combo Brows?

This is a very common questions and something clients often struggle with choosing for themselves. At your appointment we can discuss your specific brows and which look would be best for you and your brow goals. I will always do my best to help give you my professional opinion, explain the different options and tell you what I would do if they were my eyebrows. Do not worry that it will be difficult to figure out, as I will help make it easy and always strive to do what's best for your brows and face. If you book a microblade and end up also needing/wanting shading, no problem, we can adjust the appointment type the day of. 

Microblading is a permanent brow service in which a small handheld tool made of several tiny needles is used to add semi-permanent pigment to the skin (into the superficial layer of the dermis), creating fine individual hair strokes that look very realistic, and improve the appearance, shape and density of the brow. The hair strokes mimic and look like natural hairs giving you a ‘fuller brow’ look.  This method is best for those with dry to normal skin type and those with fluffy and full brow hairs. When healed this technique will look more like hairs and will have some skin tone showing in between the hair strokes. The result will look less filled in than a combo or powder brow. 


Powder fill or shading is also done manually (although some artists use a machine to achieve this look). A shading tool is used to tap/stipple pigment directly into the skin to create a denser look. The more solid coverage of Powder Fill gives you the look of doing your brows with a brow pencil or powder makeup. Powderfill is also known as Softap and typically lasts a little longer because it is deposited deeper into the dermal layer of the skin. This technique is best suited for Normal to Oily skin, for those that need areas of their brow extensively reshaped or built up or for those hoping to achieve a more filled-in look


Combo brows are a combination of the two different techniques, Microblading and Powder Fill (also known as Powder Brow or Shading). A microblade tool is used to create hair like strokes either throughout the entire brow or just in certain areas (determined on a case by case basis), then a shading tool is used to tap/stipple pigment directly into the skin to create a more dense look that helps to further fill in sparse areas and areas between the hair strokes. When healed, this looks similar to a powdered makeup look, and is more filled in than just microblading alone. This shading can be done throughout the entire brow, or just partially, starting in the tails and getting lighter as it gets closer to the front of the brows, also known as Ombre Brows. This technique is best suited for Normal to Oily skin, or for those hoping to achieve a more filled-in look. 


Do I have to have a consultation before having my brows done?


No. It is not a requirement to have a consultation before having your brows done, in fact, most people don't. When you book an appointment to have your brows done, each new brow appointment will begin with a thorough consultation to discuss your brows, answer questions, and review paperwork. We will also spend extensive time mapping/shaping/matching your custom pigment color. If you feel like you would like to come beforehand and ask specific questions/discuss the procedure or specific individual brow concerns, please feel free to book a consultation first, but honestly, it usually not necessary to make a special trip in and most people don't need to do so. If you feel like you need the extra appointment, this is a 15 minute appointment and during this time I will evaluate the shape/coloring of any previous tattoos or microblading and answer any questions you may have before moving forward with the procedure. (When booking it will state that this appointment is $20 - you will not be charged if you end up coming to the appointment. There will only be a charge for no-shows/late cancellations)



How old do I have to be to get microbladed?


You must be at least 18 years of age to have your brows done.



Can I get microbladed while pregnant or nursing?


No. while there is no known risk of PMU or pigments affecting your unborn/nursing baby, it is simply not worth the risk. As a precaution to avoid any complications, I do not perform cosmetic tattooing on pregnant or nursing women.


There is an increased risk of infection when having your brows microbladed. While pregnant or nursing, you may not be able to take certain medications, including prescriptions to treat infection. Additionally, pregnancy/post-partum hormones can have an affect on not only your retention and outcome, but can also affect or possibly discolor the pigment. I ask that you please wait a minimum of 8 weeks after having your baby or stopping breastfeeding before having your brows done.   



Am I eligible for microblading?


While most people are good candidates for brow enhancement, there are a few instances that may disqualify you from having cosmetic tattooing done. These include: if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, diabetic (on a case by case basis – please schedule a consultation to discuss), if you have skin diseases, a viral infection, keloid disorder, HIV/Hepatitis, have any major heart conditions. skin cancer, are undergoing chemotherapy, taking skin medications such as steroids, or have been on Accutane within the last 14 months. Also, you must be over the age of 18.



What should I expect when coming in for my appointment?


It is always my top priority to ensure my clients feel comfortable, informed and confident that they are getting the highest quality brows and service. When you first arrive, I will walk you through the process and give you an overview of what to expect. We will discuss your brow goals, which service (microblade/powder brow/combo brow) I think would be best for you, as well as what I see when I look at and measure your brows. I will go over any pertinent paperwork and apply the first phase of topical numbing to your brows. While the numbing is taking affect, you are welcome to show me photos you may have saved of brows you like or brows you don’t like and things you would like me to avoid. I always tell my clients that this is a team effort, and we will work together to make your brows exactly what you and I both think is best. I will show you and discuss each step as I measure and map your face and draw on your brows. We will come up with a shape/arch/size that fits your individual face and features. As we go along, we can make adjustments if you or I see something that doesn’t look just right.  Once we have decided on a shape that is best for you, we select the perfect color that matches your natural brow hair & skin tone – I will give you a number of color options that we can discuss and look at together, and we will agree on your custom pigment color. Once you are numb and we have selected a shape and color, we will begin the process of microblading. You will be able to get up and use the restroom or take a quick break for water if needed.


Please come wearing comfortable clothing and shoes as you will be lying down for an extended period of time. Additionally, if you wear glasses, please bring those to your appointment and wear your normal everyday makeup so that I can get a feel for what you look like on most days. Please feel free to come to your appointment with your eyebrows penciled the way you like them. You may even bring your colored pencil/powder/makeup that you would normally use on your brows if you would like me to see the color you typically prefer.


Start to finish, the appointment is about 3 hours, although I do block 3.5 hours of time to ensure we are not rushed or run out of time. Please make sure you plan time away from work/childcare accordingly.

You second touch-up appointment 6-10 weeks later typically takes about an hour. 



How many sessions will I need before my brows are finished?


All permanent cosmetic procedures require 2 sessions. Therefore, your initial price includes two appointments, which in most cases should be sufficient to complete your brows. The two sessions consist of your first appointment which includes consultation, mapping, shaping, pigment customization, and then the actual procedure where the majority of the work is done on your brows. You will also receive a healing ointment and an aftercare package to help ensure you get the best results throughout the healing process.


Your second appointment, often referred to as your “Perfecting session” or “Follow-up” will take place 6-10 weeks after your initial visit. At this appointment we will adjust any imperfections and touch-up any light or patchy areas. We can also adjust the pigment color at this time if needed. Seeing how your brows healed after your first appointment will help me to better understand how your brows and skin respond to the pigment and process. Sometimes, if you only have a microblading with hair strokes, we may decide to add shading/powder at your touch-up. If this is the case, the difference in price will be due at the time of your touch-up.

Your first initial appointment and ONE complimentary touch-up/perfecting session are included in your price/package when you book. Any additional appointments/touch-ups will be done for an additional charge. 


Please ensure you save the ointment from your first appointment to get you through the second healing process as well. If you lose or misplace it, there will be a $5 replacement charge.


When do I have my follow up appointment and how do I book it?

Your included touch-up will take place between 6-10 weeks after your initial brow appointment. WE WILL BOOK THIS APPOINTMENT TOGETHER WHEN YOU CHECK OUT AT YOUR FIRST APPOINTMENT. This touch-up will not be done earlier than 6 weeks after your first brow appointment, and needs to be done within 10 weeks. Failure to book your follow-up appointment in a timely manner may results in an additional fee if outside of the designated time frame.

Ensuring you come back for your 2nd appointment is the responsibility of the client. This perfecting session is crucial for the best results.


If you must reschedule your complimentary 6-10 week touch-up, the rates may change depending on what time frame you schedule your new appointment (use price lists on for time-frames and prices - If for some reason I need to move or reschedule your appointment outside of this window, there will not be an extra charge).

Please ensure when booking your first appointment that you will be able to come back within 6-10 weeks for the 2nd appointment (i.e. you won't be out fo the country or unable to go through the healing process because of events you may have planned).



Are there things I need to do to prepare for my appointment?


When you book your appointment, you will be prompted to review extensive before and after care instructions and digitally sign acknowledging you have read and understand them. These will automatically pop-up in my online booking system and you will not be allowed to submit the appointment request until you have signed all necessary documents. If I personally book your appointment, you will be sent a confirmation email with a link to these forms. Please notify me as soon as possible by calling my salon at 916.293.9449 if you do not receive these at least 2 week prior to your upcoming appointment and someone will ensure they are re-sent to you.

Leading up to your appointment, please review the digital paperwork that will be provided to you to read and sign. Some things to ensure you have discontinued prior to your procedure include:

Blood Thinners (prescription and OTC i.e. aspirin, ibuprofen, Advil, etc) 


Omega-3 Fish Oils



Certain diabetes medications (i.e. Metformin)

Certain Vitamins (B, E, Zinc)

Vitamin A/Retinol in the area of your eyebrows


Does it hurt?


To be honest, that depends. Ultimately, pain tolerance varies from person to person. I will numb you with a topical anesthetic when you first arrive, and after we get started I will numb you again, with a secondary numbing agent. I will continue to reapply the numbing gel until you are numb and comfortable. But, in the spirit of full disclosure, while most people say it doesn’t hurt or is maybe just a little uncomfortable for the first few minutes, some people do experience more discomfort than others. Many people say it feels like having multiple hairs tweezed at one time, or tiny paper cuts until they are fully numb. If you have a difficult time numbing at the dentist, please let me know about this ahead of time. Also, try to schedule your appointment during a time when you are not menstruating, as this can affect your pain tolerance and sensitivity. Please rest assured that I will do all that I can to ensure that the process is as comfortable as possible, and most people say it turns out to be much less painful or intense than they were expecting.


What type of pigments do you use?


Rest assured that I use only the best and highest quality, clean materials, supplies and pigments when doing your brows. I will never do your brows with pigments that contain carcinogens, harmful ingredients, heavy metals or large concentrations of Iron Oxides, which can cause discoloration as they fade. Additionally I only use pigments made in the USA and that are Chemical Technological Laboratory (CTL®) certified and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 13485 medical device level certified. Additionally I will never use pigments or materials that are tested on animals, ever.


The pigments I use vary and I am always looking for newer and better options, paying for extensive training and classes to better understand how to use each new pigment and making sure I know advanced color theories to customize the color to your individual skin and hair tones.  

At this time, I exclusively use pigments from Perma Blend x Brow Daddy and have had beautiful retention and healed results with these pigments. If you would like to research this line of pigments, I will include the link here for you to research ingredients:


Drug and Alcohol use:


I ask that you please be drug and alcohol free for a minimum of 48 hours before your appointment. There are a number of factors that can affect your outcome, healing and retention, drugs and alcohol being one of them.



How long does it take for my brows to heal?


While your brows will typically be healed within 10-14 days, this time frame can vary based on each individuals own body/process. Some people go through the process faster than others. A number of factors can contribute to your healing, including but not limited to: Your commitment and adherence to pre and post care, hormones, illness, lifestyle, sun exposure, you body own natural healing abilities, etc. There are a number of stages your brows will go through while healing and it can take up to 30 days to reach the end of the process. During this 30 days your brows will be continually changing. For this reason, no retouches will be done before 6 weeks, to ensure plenty of time for your brows to fully heal and settle in with the color and size.


Brows will fade/soften approximately 30% when fully healed and will also shrink in size slightly as they heal.


What are the typical steps for healing? (time frames may slightly vary based on each individual)


Day 1: Brows are looking FABULOUS!! A little darker than I'm used to. They feel a little red and swollen, but I can’t believe I waited this long to have my brows done!
Days 2-4: Brows are much DARKER and THICKER than I wanted! I hope I didn’t make a huge mistake!
Days 5-7: Oh I think they are starting to shrink down a little bit. The scabs are starting to flake off and they are looking patchy. It is SO HARD not to pick at them, but I know I have to leave them alone. This is crazy, but I am feeling better and more assured.
Days 10-14: Scabs are gone and my color is way too light now – where did my beautiful brows go?! They look so light and uneven.
Weeks 2-4: Things look like they are starting to come back color wise. My brows look natural and beautiful. There are just a couple of patchy spots that need to be touched up but other than that look great.
Weeks 6-10: Ready for my touch-up to perfect my brows! I feel so much more prepared for the process this time around.

After touch-up: My eyebrows are beautiful! I love them! This is LIFE CHANGING!


Additionally, brows may appear warmer in terms of color than what they will when healed.

The best thing you can do is trust the process and just roll with the crazy phases. It may seem insane, but I promise you, it is SO WORTH IT!


How soon after having my brows done can I wear makeup?


You can still wear foundation and other face makeup immediately after having your eyebrows done. HOWEVER, you will need to avoid eyebrow makeup (powder, pencil, etc.) for a minimum of 10 days while your brows are healing. You will also want to be especially careful when applying foundation, ensuring it does not get on your freshly microbladed brows. A good idea to help protect your brows from unwanted makeup getting in/on them is to apply a thin layer of the provided healing ointment before apply your foundation. This ointment will act as a barrier).


Can I exercise after microblading?


You will have better healed results and color retention if you refrain from sweaty workouts during the healing process. I recommended planning to skip the intense workouts for 10-14 days. Sweat contains salt, and salt will pull the color from your skin. If you decide to work out and sweat during this time frame, and it affects your retention, you may need an additional touch-up at an additional charge. Please do not ask if you can do light cardio or workouts, as I do not know your typical level of perspiration. Additionally, asking if it is okay to wear a sweatband if not sufficient, as it is not the sweat that drips from your head/hairline that I am most concerned about, but instead your actual brows perspire just like the rest of your face and that is the main concern. Sweat WILL affect pigment retention and could potentially cause your brows not to "take."


Additionally, please do not work out the day of your appointment/beforehand.


Should I plan to take time off work?


It is not necessary to take time off work if you do not want to. While brows do go through a healing process and will be dark and also have some scabbing and peeling, as long as you are comfortable with people seeing this or discussing it with them, it should have no affect on your health or ability to perform your job. For the first few hours there may be some redness and swelling, but there is no long-term downtime when having your eyebrows microbladed.


How does Botox affect my appointment?

Please wait at least 2 weeks after getting Botox done to allow the Botox to settle.
You are free to get your Botox done again once your brows have gone through the healing process, if the botox/injections are done properly, it should have no effect on your brows.


What if I have a vacation planned close to my eyebrow appointment?


If you plan to go on a vacation, it is recommended to plan your trip a minimum of 10 days after the procedure due to the aftercare maintenance. Most specifically, sun exposure and the affect it can have on your healing brows/retention. When on vacation, please be sure to pack a hat and adequate amounts of sunscreen and limit sun exposure as much as possible. 


Do you remove my natural brow hairs or shave off my eyebrows before microblading them?

This is a question I get asked from time to time. Usually someone comes in and says their spouse is worried that I will have to shave their brows off completely. The answer is 100% no. I will never shave away all of your brows or remove them altogether. I may have to tweeze and clean up some hairs to achieve the desired shape and symmetry we are trying to achieve, but I will always discuss any changes I make to your natural brows with you first. And I will never shave your brows away. I promise. 

Will I still have to have my brows waxed/tweezed/threaded after having them microbladed?


Yes. You will still need to maintain and remove unwanted hair outside of the microbladed area. Cosmetic tattooing does not permanently remove any hair, it simply fills in and give a more defined shape to your existing brows. Any hair that grows in places outside of that shape will still need to be removed as you normally would via tweezing/waxing/threading.


How long does microblading last and will I need to have my brows done again in the future?

After you have completed the initial and complimentary eyebrow sessions, your new brows should last you quite a while (although in certain situations additional touch-up appointments may be necessary for oily, sun damaged, problematic skin, dark pigmented skin and/or individuals who do not follow before or after-care instructions properly).


On average, brows will continue to look great for approximately 12-24 months.

As time passes, it will be necessary to have your brows “Refreshed” to keep the color, shape and density of your brows looking fresh. I typically recommend annual touch-ups.


Ultimately, touch-ups are at your own discretion. I offer a number of touch-up sessions based on the length of time since your last appointment, which will determine the cost of the Refresh appointment - you can find these rates listed on my booking site.

While brows are considered permanent, the method of implantation and pigments are designed to slowly shrink and fade over time. All permanent makeup fades over time. There is no way to avoid this from happening. However, the length of time brows last varies depending on a number of factors:



Topical products and skincare

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Sun exposure




Tanning bed use

Anemia and Iron Deficiency


Oily skin

Bleeding during the procedure (one of the reasons it is especially important to follow before care instructions prior to your appointment – these will be provided electronically at booking)


Should I apply sunscreen on my brows?


Yes, this will help prolong the life and perfection of your brows. Once the scabbing and flaking process has stopped and they are healed over with fresh skin, please apply sunscreen to your eyebrows…and your entire face/body for that matter – sorry, the esthetician in me couldn’t resist ;)


Can I still do all of my fabulous skincare routine like normal?


Obviously, I would never want you to stop taking care of your skin. So, the answer to this is tricky. While I do want you to keep up the regular use of your skincare products, some ingredients can be detrimental to your brows. Please avoid applying any sort of chemical exfoliants or skin lighteners directly on or near your brows. When applying AHA’s/BHA, Retinol, Hydroquinone or any other active ingredients, make sure you give at least a half inch perimeter around your brows, as products do have a tendency to spread and you want to make sure they don’t reach your brows.


Can I have Laser procedures done after having my brows microbladed?


If you are having laser resurfacing or laser hair removal after your brows have healed, please inform the laser technician that you have cosmetic tattooing on your eyebrows. They will advise you on what precautions they can take to avoid affecting your brow retention. Laser procedures may darken, lighten, or discolor the tattooed area.



Do you microblade over previous permanent makeup?

I will touch-up previously microbladed or tattooed brows on a case by case basis. If you have had your eyebrows previously microbladed or tattooed, please send an email with clear photos of your brows, free of makeup, in good natural lighting BEFORE BOOKING to Please send a straight on angle and a photo of each side. Please include notes about things you like or dislike about your existing brows and what you are hoping to accomplish when coming for a brow appointment. I will let you know if it is okay to proceed with booking and which service would be best for you. You are also welcome to schedule a consultation if you would like to discuss your existing brows in person. 


Safety and Precautions with Products and Equipment:

To ensure the highest level of safety, microblading tools are one time use only. ALL blades, hand tools, wipes, and any other product used during the procedure are disposed of as biohazardous waste after each appointment. Additionally, the highest standard of sanitizing and disinfecting are exercised for all non-porous equipment, materials, tools and surfaces. I am certified (and recertify yearly) in Blood Borne Pathogens, Barbicide Disinfecting practices, COVID-19 Barbicide standards, and received my Infection control certification before earning my license. Additionally, I have an infection prevention control plan filed with the Sacramento County Health Department, and have regular inspections annually to renew my body art practitioner licensing and establishment licensing. So you can rest assured and have peace of mind in knowing you are in a safe and clean environment.


What if I need to cancel or reschedule my appointment?

If you need to cancel or reschedule please call my salon at 916.293.9449.

Please see my cancellation policy on this website or refer to the digital cancellation policy you signed when booking to ensure you are in compliance with my cancellation policy.


What if I do not like having my brows done once they are healed?


As with all cosmetic procedures, individuals should not make their choices lightly. I always recommend clients do their research, understand the procedure and compare different artists' work and portfolios when making their decisions. I will always take my time and do my best to shape and style your eyebrows to your satisfaction before I ever proceed with the procedure. Every effort will be made to achieve an even and symmetrical appearance, but please realize our faces are never perfectly symmetrical and no two sides of the face are the same. I will always do my best to make your brows as close to perfect as possible, but please enter into this procedure with full understanding and realistic expectations. Microblading is an art and there is no specific and definite formula or equation, as each person and set of brows are different. Results will vary and using a pencil or powder may still be needed. There are also options for removal if you decide that permanent makeup is just not for you (at your own expense). Additionally, if you choose not to return in the future or keep up on your brows, microbladed brows will eventually fade away over time if no additional touch ups are done.





READY FOR #browgoals

Book your appointment easily and conveniently online and be on your way to the brows you've always dreamed off! 

The Pretty Parlour

Easily find available appointments and book online at your convenience.


Located Inside of Wildflower Beauty + Boutique

881 Embarcadero Drive, Suite 2

El Dorado Hills, CA 95762


Hours of Operation

Appointments with Lisa at The Pretty Parlour are by appointment only. 

To stop by and shop or purchase Retail Products, the salon is open the following hours:
Monday: 10a-6p
Tuesday: 10a – 6p
Wednesday 10a – 6p
Thursday: 10a – 6p
Friday: 10a-4p
Saturday: 10a-3p

Sunday: CLOSED

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